Family history research

Have you ever been curious about any aspect of your family history?
Are you looking for a professional genealogist?
Do you have an unusual last name and would like to know where it comes from?
Would you like to have or give away a family tree with several generations of ancestors?

Maybe you didn't even meet your grandparents and would like to know more about your ancestry ...

Whatever your reason, we will search for the documents and evidence to obtain the information you want. Find below the type of study that most interests you or ask us about your specific case.

Search for ancestors by all branches.

Know the origin of your family.
With our professional ancestors research you will discover who your direct ancestors were, both by paternal and maternal lines, their names, surnames, where they were born, dates, professions, etc.

Would you like to be able to leave this legacy to your descendants?
You simply decide which generation you want to study in your Family History and we will take care of the rest.

Ancestry pedigree chart for a research on all ancestors branches
Ancestry chart of lineage by surname

Search for ancestors by last name line.

Discover the origin of your ancestors by the line of your paternal or maternal surname.
With our professional ancestors Research you will know those details that you have always been curious about.

Where were your ancestors born with this surname?
Has it always been written that way, or has it changed over time?

You simply decide which generation you want to study in your Family History and we will take care of the rest.

Special researches.

  • Get the documentation you need regarding your Spanish ancestors.
  • Find those distant relatives you don't know how to search.
  • Do you need to provide a specific document in order to collect an inheritance?
  • Solve that doubt that has always been in the family and that is especially important to you.
  • Do you want to know if you have ancestors in common or some relationship with another person?
You may be interested in a single branch of your family tree, or even getting documentation from a specific ancestor that you would like to know more about.

Or maybe you just need to get a birth certificate in Spain .
We can help you learn more about your roots, the origins of your family, obtain documentation, and if you wish, get in touch with family members in Spain that you do not even know today or locate someone that you lost track of long ago.

More information
Studying records during an investigation
unresolved ab intestato inheritance

Heirs searching - Probate genealogy

Many unclaimed inheritances pass into the hands of the State each year because no descendants or relatives of the deceased are known and the deceased has not left a will.

In the case of vacant properties due to the death of the owners, the neighborhood communities are faced with a delinquency problem as they cannot collect an accumulated and growing debt, added to the real risk of occupying the home.

To solve these situations we offer our Heirs searching service to individuals, public entities, lawyers, real estate agents, property managers and communities of owners.

We have extensive genealogical experience and a working method that allows us to search from a minimum of information to find the legitimate heirs of these assets.

We obtain the necessary documentation to prepare the genealogical tree and prove the relationship that gives the person the right to inheritance. Search heirs